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PhD in Astrophysics

International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Astrophysics is offering about 25 PhD positions for research topics in various fields of astrophysics with in the IMPRS program at Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU). Generally, students are admitted for the IMPRS on Astrophysics Graduate School once a year. The program starts each September 1st for a general duration of 3 to 4 years Successful applicants with a Master's degree will receive a work contract of about EUR 1.770 per month, (depending on family status) for a period of three to four years. Available PhD Topics include; Infrared-Astronomy (MPE), High Energy Astrophysics (MPE), Optical and Interpretative Astronomy (MPE), Center for Astrochemical Studies (MPE), Extragalactic Astronomy (LMU/USM), Computational Astrophysics (LMU/USM), Stellar, Astrophysics - Expanding Atmospheres of Hot Stars (LMU/USM), Computational Star and Planet Formation Group (LMU/USM), Cosmology and Structure Formation (LMU/USM), Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Artificial Intelligence Group (LMU/USM), Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology (MPA), High Energy Astrophysics (MPA), Information Field Theory (MPA), Supernovae (MPA), Stellar Astrophysics (MPA), From planets and star formation to stellar structure (ESO), From ISM, stellar populations and clusters to galaxies and cosmology (ESO).


  • Students from all countries in the world are welcome to apply for the IMPRS program.
  • They are selected based on their excellence as proven by their university record and by letters of recommendation.
  • Applicants must have a Master's in physics or astrophysics. However, applications for the program starting in 2022 can be submitted even if the Master's degree will not be obtained before November 1, 2021, when the completion of a Master's degree is expected until fall 2022.
  • Applicants holding a Bachelor's degree have to apply to the Master of Astrophysics (or Master of Physics) program at the LMU before they can be admitted to the IMPRS PhD program to obtain a Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.) from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University.
  • Outstanding students with an excellent Bachelor’s degree (i.e. Bachelor’s degree with “very good,” or proven placement among the top 10% in their class) can be granted direct admission to doctoral studies by the Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU)
  • Candidates whose native language is not English or German should provide a certificate documenting proficiency in English.

Due date for applications for the program starting on September 1st, 2022 is November 1st, 2021. The online application portal becomes available about 3 month before the deadline. The application platform is available from the beginning of August till November 1st. Click for more information.