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NASA Postdoctoral Program: Utility of Satellite Retrievals in Weather Forecasting Tools

The CERES Cloud Working Group and LaRC Satellite ClOud and Radiative Property retrieval System(SatCORPS) team at NASA Langley work synergistically to produce global datasets of cloud properties and radiation parameters derived from passive visible and infrared sensors on sun-synchronous (e.g. Aqua, Terra, Suomi-NPP, and NOAA-series) and geostationary (e.g. GOES, Meteosat and Himawari) satellites. These retrievals are key datasets for monitoring cloud systems at different spatiotemporal scales and are essential for quantifying and monitoring the Earth’s energy budget, and for determining cloud radiative effects and weather impacts. Unique algorithms have been developed for application to operational satellites to determine aviation weather parameters and hazards, including the flight icing threat to aircraft. In addition, empirical methods and machine learning techniques have been applied for improving cloud retrievals in the more difficult conditions and for refining nighttime cloud products. Tasks of the cloud remote sensing group include 1) development and refinement of cloud retrieval algorithms, 2) validation of cloud properties by combining numerous datasets and theoretical observations, 3) satellite support for field campaigns (e.g. ORACLES, NAAMES, ACTIVATE), 4) applied research on the role of clouds in climate, and 5) studies to demonstrate the utility of satellite retrievals in weather forecasting tools.


  • U.S. Citizens Accepted
  • Lawful Permanent Residents Accepted
  • Foreign Nationals Accepted - NASA Langley Research Center is a Federal facility. Access to the campus and IT tools is subject to security and visitation clearance. Foreign Nationals must contact the advisor prior to starting the application to gain a mutual understanding that arrangements can be made to allow for efficient execution of the research project. Please note that applications by foreign nationals from Designated Countries will be subjected to added level of scrutiny.
  • Candidates with a solid background in remote sensing, radiative transfer, and physical climatology, with interests aligned with those of the CERES Cloud Working Group and SatCORPS team are welcome to apply.

Application cycle deadlines for the NASA Postdoctoral Program are March 1, July 1 and November 1, annually. Visit Funder for details